Most people seem to have gone back to school already, but where I live we don't start until after Labor Day. We are still living the summer life around here...late sunsets, staying outside until dark, open-ended bedtimes...hanging on to the last bits of summer freedom that I love so much.
Last night I confess I really got a case of the back-to-school jitters. I was listening to a homeschool podcast, which I really enjoy, but it just really got to me last night. I don't have my perfect binder all printed up and organized, I don't have any charts made up, I don't even have pencils sharpened. I don't get all excited about school supplies like maybe I should because I know the newness is so short-lived. The erasers get chewed off the new pencils right away, the crayons break, and papers get scattered. And that's OK. I would rather step in the shallow end of Newness and get my feet wet first, 'cause that water's cold! I have had to repeatedly remind myself today that we are not cookie-cutter homeschoolers. Each family has its own personality and set of circumstances. I don't have to meet so-and-so's expectations, only God's. And He is with me, beside me, behind me, and before me. He already knows how we are going to get all this done this year. I like to remind myself that God is bigger than all I have to do. We will pass through the water on dry ground. And by the way, I do get excited about a stack of books! I do have those prepared and waiting on the shelf.
I have been working on my churn dash blocks. As with any project, I have run into a little roadblock. I did not have enough "Dove Gray" Essex Linen to cut out all the pieces. I have searched and searched, and only one website had that color. I am wondering if Essex Grey is the same shade. It has been a little frustrating. I feel like I need to buy more yardage in order to make the shipping cost worth it. Then I feel like I am buying something I don't need. Ahhhhh! The problems we have!
This Pam Kitty print reminds me so much of alphabet soup. I really like the grey linen with the pink.
Last night my husband said he thought it was great that I had such a nice stash of fabric. He was genuinely proud of my collection. Well then. He loves me an awful lot.
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